Club Documents.
RSA Rule Book. Rule Book.
Appendix C. Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults.
BHPA / BMFA BHPA / BMFA Code of Practice.
N.B. The above documents are in the process of being updated.
BMFA Affiliation Cert. 2012. RSA BMFA Affiliation Certificate 2012.
Club Insurance Cert 2012. Employers Liability Insurance Cert. 2012.
Club Insurance Cert. Notes. Notes on the above.
BMFA Documents.
BMFA Handbook Latest Handbooks.
Achievement Schemes All BMFA R/C Achievement Schemes.
Silent Flight (Slope) 'A' Cert. 'A' Certificate. Guidance for Candidates.
Silent Flight (Slope) 'B' Cert. 'B' Certificate. Guidance for Candidates.
Silent Flight Comp. Rules. Silent flight competition rules 2015
C.A.A. and Other.
C.A.P. 658 Model Aircraft: A guide to safe flying.