Monday, January 6


Membership Fees 2025

The membership fees for 2025 are as follows:

Under 65 £15.00

Over 65 £10.00

Junior £10

Payment should be made by bank transfer to the Rivington Soaring Association bank account.  If you do not have details of the account please contact Ian Simpson on 07743235903. When making your payment please include your name in the payment details.


British Model Flying Association (BMFA) Membership

Members wishing to become a member of RSA in 2025 will have to renew or join the BMFA prior to paying their RSA membership. Members should do this via the BMFA website When you renew your membership could you please also update your personal details held on the BMFA membership portal.


Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Drone Regulations

After  November 30th 2019 you will be operating unlawfully if you do not have either a CAA Flyer ID, or hold a BMFA Basic Proficiency Certificate, A Certificate or B Certificate, or hold a BMFA Registration Competency Certificate obtained by taking the BMFA online test at


Marking of Planes with your Operator ID

To comply with the CAA Drones Regulations all planes must be marked with an Operator Identification.

Edgworth Gate

If you need a key for the gate at Edgworth please ask Brian or Ian Simpson when you see them on the slope.

Winter Hill Gate

The gate on the road to the mast has a combination lock. The number for the lock will only be provided to paid up members.

Wednesday, January 25

Powered Gliders

The following concern was raised at the AGM regarding powered gliders,
“I feel that we are in danger of mixing powered flight with gliders. It is one thing using a motor to get out if trouble but it is completely different to be able to climb vertically to cloud base and then swoop down across the face of a slope at high speed. Those machines could be used just as effectively on a flat field”.

After much deliberation it was agreed that powered gliders could be used under the following conditions:
1. If the wind speed is less than 10 mph
2. That bursts of power are limited to a maximum of 10 seconds
3. Power to rescue a plane that has blown too far back